599 Main St. PO Box 295 Somers, CT 06071            (860) 763- 4021                 Office@thesomerschurch.org

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Please Join Us!

Our Sunday Worship Services are held at 9:30 A.M.

Join us Sunday at 599 Main St., Somers in-person or virtually

on our YouTube Channel.


Reverend Scott Spence, Pastor

Somers Congregational Church, UCC,

welcomes you to our website.

Please take a moment to view this welcome message  from Pastor Scott.

Find additional information on our events page!

A big "Thank You!" to all who helped and participated in this years' Children's Christmas Pageant!

SCC Fellowship Committee Supports Somers Community Cleanup


The Fellowship Committee would like to thank the participants of the Somers Community Cleanup!

Congregational Community Cleaners (our team name) picked up 21 bags of trash along with a large stack of clay tiles from Four Bridges Road and a section of Field Road near NETTS.

Our team members were Pastor Scott Spence, Carole Lietz, Jan Martin, Laura McKiernan, Paul McKiernan, the McKernan’s dog Eddie, Mary Ellen Donnell, Gary Donnell, Carla Smith, Margaret Festi, Cliff Martin, and Deb Barry.

The town of Somers is a bit cleaner because of your efforts!

At a Special Congregational Meeting on October 30, 2022, Somers Congregational voted to become an Open & Affirming (ONA) Congregation of the UCC.

Please watch the brief video below as Pastor Scott explains our ONA process and members of our Congregation share the Covenant Statement.

ONA means that SCUCC has made a public covenant of welcome into our full life and ministry to persons of all sexual orientations, gender expressions, and gender identities.

Here is our new Covenant: "Believing that all people are created in God‘s image, embracing diversity and affirming dignity and worth for every person, we, the Somers Congregational United Church of Christ, are an Open and Affirming Congregation. We celebrate people of all ages, races, cultures, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, family configurations, and physical, cognitive, or emotional abilities. All persons are invited to fully share and participate in leadership, ministry, fellowship, worship, sacraments, responsibilities, blessings, and joys of our church family."

At SCUCC, All Are Welcomed and Affirmed as beloved children of God!



We're glad you came!

Service Times

Sunday Morning Service: 9:30 AM

Communion 1st Sunday of every month.

 Our Location

599 Main Street

Somers, CT 06071

(860) 763-4021

About Us

We are a church that is dedicated to serving others and serving God. This is the core of our vision and our mission.

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you.

Feel free to give us a shout and

connect with us.

Office Hours:

Mon-Thur 9:00-11:30 am

Fri 9:00 - 11:00am


Working toward a better world.


Come worship with us weekly on Sunday mornings at 9:30.  Listen to the message, join our fellowship and become part of our church family.  

Activities & Events

Whether it is cooking in the kitchen for one of many community events or singing in the choir, Somers Congregational provides many ways to be involved. 

Children & Youth Ministries 

2022-23 Sunday School Year is Starting September 25th!

All ages welcomed... Sunday school and the annual Christmas pagent are just a couple of ways for children to be involved.


Somers Congregational provides you many ways to be involved within the local and greater communites.  From delivering flowers to helping at Champs Place Food Pantry, there is something for everyone.


Subscribe so we can keep in touch!

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